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The Great Leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

12:20 am
The Great Leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Information About Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah the Greatest Leader Of Pakistan.

The 20th century has seen a number of great personalities on the international political scene. None of them is equal to Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in intellect and honesty of purpose.

It was by sheer force of his personality, his firm determination and solid resolution that Quid-e-Azam was able to carve out Pakistan on the map of the world. Nothing could keep back our Quaid from his resolve to transform the thoughts of iqbal into reality and everybody knew that the Quaid always meant what he said.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah entered politics when he was made the Secretary of Dadabhai Naoroji in the annual session of the All India Congress which was presided over by Dadabhai himself. His reputation as an outstanding lawyer had been fully established when he became a Presidency Magistrate in 1900.

The Information About Great Leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

When in England, studying for law, Muhammad Ali Jinnah never wasted any spare time he had. Instead he spent his time reading books on law and other subjects. He led a life of diligence, discipline and deep study. He particularly studied the lives of great men. He listened attentively and with a receptive mind to the political debates and proceedings whenever Parliament was in session.

The Quaid was a man of great and rare qualities of head and heart. He was a symbol of integrity and honesty. Even his worst enemies admitted that the Quaid was UN-purchasable. This quality not only endeared him to his own people but also won him the respect and admiration of his opponents.

Our great leader had great many other qualities. He was fearless and courageous. Everybody knew that he always meant what he said. Once he took a decision, he stood by it, no matter what the difficulties in the way. The creation of Pakistan is a testimony to the courage of his conviction. The Quaid never compromised on principles.
The motto of the Quaid, "Unity, Faith, Discipline" enabled the Muslims of India to achieve their goal against the combined and staunch opposition of the British Rule and the Hindu Majority.

The Information About Great Leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

The Scheme of a separate Muslim state in the Indian sub-continent appeared not only to be a dream but a vague idea. It was also bitterly opposed. But it was Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who translated the dream of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal into reality by his strong determination.

With every day passing in the struggle for Pakistan, the Quaid rose in the estimation of his people It was by the magic spell of his personality that he emerged as the most powerful and undisputed leader of the Muslims of the sub-continent. To free the Muslims from the British and Hindu rule, he worked hard day and night, despite his failing health.

But he had abundant wealth of confidence and will-power. He was an excellent orator who could keep his audience spellbound for hours together. He argued his case for an independent state for Muslims with such mastery of language that even opponents were convinced by his forceful arguments.

The demand for a separate homeland for the Muslims of India was an expression of their deepest emotions and of their political and cultural identity whose roots lie embedded in the state of Madina founded by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Quaid had a clear concept of Islam as code of life.

He Said in an interview to a journalist, Beverly Nicholas,"Islam is not only religious doctrine but a realistic code of conduct in terms of every day and everything important in life our history, our laws and our jurisprudence.

The Information About Great Leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

In all these things our outlook is not only fundamentally different but it is opposed to the Hindus. There is nothing in life that links us together. Our names, our clothes, our food, our festivals, our rituals, they all different. Our economic life, our educational ideas, our treatment of women, our attitude to animals, our humanitarian considerations all are very different".

Addressing a Muslim League Convention, the Quaid said,"What are we fighting for? What are we aiming at? It is not a theocracy, nor theocratic state. Religion is there and it dear to us. There are other things which are very vital our social life, our economic life and without political power, how can you defend your faith and your economic life?"

"Pakistan should be based on sure foundations of social justice and Islamic socialism which emphasizes equality and brotherhood of man" the Quaid said on the occasion when he was delivering a speech in Chittagong in March, 1948.

Quaid-e-Azam took great interest in the formation and progress of the Muslim Students Federation. His advice to the students after Pakistan came into being was, "Now that you have achieved your goal, you have Government of your own and a country which belongs to you and in which you can live as free men. Your responsibilities and your approach to political, social and economic problems must also change.

The duties required of you are: develop a sound sense of discipline, character, initiative and a solid academic background. You must devote yourself whole-heatedly to your studies, for that is you first obligation to yourself, your parents and to the State".

The Information About Great Leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

In his address to the students of 'Islamia College, Peshawar' in April, 1948 he said, "Remember that your Government is like your garden which flourishes by the way you look after it and the efforts you put forward for its improvement.

Similarly your Government can only flourish by your patriotic, honest and constructive efforts to improve it....."

"You must learn to distinguish between your love for your Province and your love and duty to the State as a whole. Our dity to the State takes us a stage beyond provincialism. It demands a broader sense of vision and greater sense of patriotism.

Our duty to the state often demands that we must be ready to submerge our individual and provincial interests into the common cause for common good. Our duty to the state comes first and our duty to your province, our district our town and to our village and to ourselves comes next:".

"Remember we are building up a state which is going to play its full part in the destinies of the whole Islamic World. We, therefore need a wider outlook which will cross the provincial boundaries, limited nationalism and racialism. We must develop a sense of patriotism which should bind us all into one united and strong nation".

The Information About Great Leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

"That is the only way in which we can achieve our goal the goal of our struggle, the goal for which millions of Mussulmans have laid down their lives for the cause of Islam and Pakistan".

Quad's mission "Work, Work and Work" is a call to wake us up from slumber and work hard to achieve national goals. It is the earnest desire of every Pakistani to see Pakistan attaining the stature visualized by our great leader, Quad-e-Assam.

Each one of us should try and act upon the golden principles the Quid gave to the nation and follow him in his footsteps and thus obtain for Pakistan a respectable and dignified place in the comity of nations.

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